Theo || 3 Months

Theo turned 3 months this past Sunday!  1/4 of the way through his first year of life, and man we love having him.  Right after he turned 2 months we used up all his newborn diapers, and I finally came to peace with the fact that he was growing and I put him in 3 month outfits.  Putting all his newborn stuff away was sad, he has so many cute sleepers.  Theo had a rough patch this month where I thought I was never going to sleep again.  He previously was really good about being put down for bed and just falling asleep on his own.  We had a period  of maybe a week where we were up nonstop, I was up 6x and Paul 5x all in the same night.  I thought I was going to lose my mind.  Seriously.  And then one day he went back to normal, easy to put down and only up 1 - 2 times.

His smiley self really came out this month.  As soon as he locks eyes with us we get flashed the cutest smile.  Oh and I melt into a puddle, he can just have my credit cards and all my money now.  I need to find a backbone or I'll be in some serious trouble. 

Taking photos this month was a challenge, becuase this boy loves to wiggle and he has found his hands.  Boy are those things great, they must taste good beause they are often in his mouth.  About half of my photos from our photo shoot are just him looking at his hand.

His naps are not regualar yet, which is OK with me.  He's not on a strict schedule at all, we just do what he needs when he needs it.  But, with all the excting things going on in the world he does not want to nap sometimes and we are struggeling with getting over tired and being hard to put down.  A pacifier is a almost a sure ticket to get him to sleep now.  It is like magic it goes in and his eyes get droopy (he's totally fine once it falls out I don't have to replace it.) 

This little guy still hates baths.  I crank up the heater in the bathroom, cover him with washcloths to keep him warm, turn the lights down, play gentle music, and he SCREAMS.  

One of the more beneficial developments this month is that he will lay in his pack n' play looking at his mobile for usually 30 minutes in the morning while I cook breakfast.  I can eat, clean the kitchen a bit and he just coos away.  We are loving his sweet little personality starting to come through!