Sunday Small Talk

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School has officially started, I had 4 days this past week with students.  The first few days were not without their hiccups... I didn't have a computer until a few days before school started, and didn't discover it was broken and wouldn't project until the night before school started.  I FINALLY have a key that opens my room, there is nothing like being locked out of your own room... and our printers were down until Friday.  Coupled with my own anxiety of going back to work, all the little things just felt like a crushing weight on my chest.  I was doubting I made the right decision, but it only took the first few kids trickling back into school Tuesday morning to know I was in the right place.  I've seen so many of my former kids, and I have loved getting to know all of my new kids.  I have the BEST assistant this year in 2 of my classes, she is here for all the right reasons.  I could blabber on about school for too long, but I'm just having all of the positive vibes with new administration and my kids.  


My mom and I started canning this week.  I went out to the garden to pick tomatoes, and ended up needing a laundry basket for all of my tomatoes... We've just made sauce and juice so far.  With the next round we are doing stewed and I don't know what else.  Last year's garden was a massive fail in the tomato department, but this year is making up for it.  However our zucchini is not growing this year, which is a shame because Theo is loving his zucchini puree.


Speaking of Theo, he's been eating so much from the garden!  I made him zucchini, eggplant, and green beans that we grew and he chows them all down.  He had his 9 month appointment this week, where we encountered some "mom judging" from an old ass.  Apparently my son who can't walk yet, needs to be wearing sock and shoes in August when he leaves the house.  I just thought he must be a lonely old man, and this is his chance to talk to people today, so I bit my tongue and said nothing back to him.  Mentally I was flipping him off.  

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 

